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HomeGuyanaLabour Shall Continue to Determine and Drive Labour's Agenda - GTUC and...

Labour Shall Continue to Determine and Drive Labour’s Agenda – GTUC and FITUG Press Statement

This year’s theme for Labour Week’s activities is “Unity of the working class-essential and necessary” which runs from 24th April to 1st May.  As Guyana marks its 50th anniversary of independence, the workers’ movement which began the 20th century struggles for the right to self-determination, will commemorate this month by kick starting activities on Sunday with a wreath laying ceremony at the base of the monument of the Father of Trade Unionism in the British Commonwealth and national hero Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, Parliament building @ 5:00 p.m. This event is preceded by a Church Service at St. James-the-Less Anglican, Kitty, Georgetown @ 7:30 a.m.

During the week (25th- 29th) there will be an exhibition of the trade union’s contributions of nation-building and advancement of the workers’ welfare in the auditorium of the Crtichlow Labour College, Woolford Avenue, and engagement with the student population. On Wednesday 27th April there will be a workshop entitled  ‘Organising and Occupational Health and Safety’ which will be hosted by the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) and the Federation of Independent Trades Union of Guyana (FITUG), at the GTUC’s boardroom.

On Sunday May 1st the will be march and rallies in Georgetown, Linden, New Amsterdam and Anna Regina. These events will be singularly marked with the involvement of all the trade unions. We invite all Guyana to come march and rally with the present workforce.

We do this is recognition of collaborative efforts, past, present and future upon which Fundamental Rights and Freedoms are adumbrated and held in esteem, the Rule of Law being pivotal to ensuring peaceful coexistence, harmonious relations, advancing the interest of the working class, and honouring those whose blood were shed and lives lost on the 4th May 1886 in the Haymarket Square event in Chicago, USA. These workers were fighting for just working conditions and met similar experience as happened here in 1948 and 1999.

For the Labour Movement these are important aspirations, achievements and markers in our history which underpin the importance of why we exist, why we continue to struggle, and why we shall never relent until every citizen, every worker-past, present and potential- rights are respected, opportunities created to unleash potentials, and the appropriate climate exist to redound to personal and national development. :

And whereas the Labour Movement is aware of calls for unity as defined by all being affiliated to one federation, Labour focused on unity being practiced consistent with the tenets outlined in international conventions, time-honoured principles, and the Laws of Guyana, which we shall accordingly pursue. To this end the federations (GTUC and FITUG) make public our proposal to the Government, inclusive of the Executive and Legislative branches to:-

  1. Return and respect of Collective Bargaining in the state sectors and where trade unions exist;
  2. Honouring the 2012 High Court decision on re-issuing letters for arbitration to bring resolution to outstanding issues existing between the Guyana Bauxite & General Workers Union (GB&GWU) and the Bauxite Company of Guyana Incorporated (BCGI);
  3. Development of a National Programme for the creation of jobs;
  4. Establishment of Labour and Economic Council to advise Government on issues impacting the nation’s performance and workers’ welfare;
  5. A mechanism established and honour to address the Sugar Industry. This must involve constant engagement among government, cane farmers, GuySuCo, trade unions in the sugar industry, and other stakeholders;
  6. Establishment of  Foreign Investment Commission to address the telecommunication and natural resources sectors;
  7. Honouring campaign commitment to reduce VAT;
  8. Review of tax concessions granted to companies;
  9. National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and state pension addressed and protected;
  10. Ministry of Labour- Social protection is one of the 4 objectives of ILO Decent Work Agenda; it is not Labour;
  11. End the practice of employing contracts in Fixed Establishment Jobs;
  12. Speedy resolution to outstanding issues in the Teaching and Public Services;
  13. Establishing of Public Service Appellate Tribunal;
  14. Respect for the Rule of Law, universal declarations, conventions, charters and time-honoured principles.

The federations call on all Guyana to join hands with us in ensuring these demands are met. The workers’ success is Guyana’s success. Let us unite to make it possible.


Understanding the placement of Social Protection per ILO standard

ILO Decent Work Agenda

Four strategic objectives at the heart of the Decent Work agenda are:–en/index.htm

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