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HomeGuyanaOne Million Dollar Reward Offered for Arrest in the Shooting the Head...

One Million Dollar Reward Offered for Arrest in the Shooting the Head of Nations University

Since the January 27, 2019 shooting of Dr. Brian O’Toole the head of Nations School, there has been little progress in bringing the assailant(s) to justice. Frustrated with the lack of progress the victim, Dr. O’Toole is offering G$1M reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator.

Since the January 27, 2019 shooting of Dr. Brian O’Toole the head of Nations School, there has been little progress in bringing the assailant(s) to justice. Frustrated with the lack of progress the victim, Dr. O’Toole is offering G$1M reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator.

Dr. O’Toole has provided law enforcement with the name of an individual he recognized as the shooter but no progress has been made in making an arrest. And, after the shooting, a supporter of the alleged shooter and former student of The Nations School, who appears to reside in the USA,  made threats to “blow up the school.” This information has been provided to both local and US authorities but again there has been no progress in response to this alarming threat.

Dr. O’Toole hopes that with the offer of this reward, those with information will come forward to help solve this case before inaction creates a further concern to Guyanese, visitors and potential investors about the safety of themselves and their families. Uppermost for Dr. O’Toole in this process is the desire to see that the perpetrator of both the shooting and the threat are apprehended and swiftly brought to justice.


Press release from Dr. Brian O'Toole; May 5th 2019:

Many persons may well be tired of this ‘story.’ But the shooting of Dr O’Toole is far greater than the suffering of a handful of people. The ‘story’ has now featured in the media in the UK,  Canada, the USA and throughout the Caribbean. With an attempted murderer on the loose, sadly, it asks questions of Guyana as a ‘safe’ place to live and invest and questions who might be next.

Following invaluable surgery at Woodlands Hospital I am back in the USA for a 5th surgery on a paralysed hand.

There has been extensive coverage of the shooting in the media and on social media – much of it however is incorrect.

I have met recently with the highest levels of the police in Guyana and I am confident they are exploring all the leads they have available. Thankfully however a significant person of interest, based in the USA,  was very recently very careless to post some very incriminating evidence on social media. This has now been shared with the police and with the US authorities in Guyana. This lead is also being explored by cyber experts we have employed in the USA. As they told us last week, ‘these guys are not as smart as they think they are and they are leaving footprints that will lead to their capture.’

My own belief, all along, is that the shooting is related to the perverse video ‘game’ Fortnite with the shooter doing the ‘default’ dance as he was trying to kill me. This is the same ‘game’ that Prince Harry has launched a campaign against to rid from the UK. Parents do you know if your children are playing this horrible and destructive game?

Going forward?

There is widespread evidence that the initial poisonous post, threatening to blow up the school, came from a student who left Nations many years ago and now lives in "location withheld".  His name, "name withheld" is known to hundreds of persons, including the police. The details of this were shared with the police here and to the US Embassy. This was also reported to the FBI, almost 14 weeks ago, and we have been informed by the USA Embassy in Guyana that they ‘are pursuing the lead.’ 

The day after the shooting, it is alleged, this same individual posted on social media begging for protection and immunity and saying he would give information in return for his protection – it is unclear what the response was from the FBI to this remarkable post

Guyana, like so much of the world, is replete with gossip and inuendo, with many allegations. In the interest of justice it is surely essential that these myths are debunked and Guyana’s image not be tarnished any further

In conclusion, my concern as someone who has lived here for 42 years, served at the University of Guyana for almost a decade and worked with thousands of students in every corner of this country, is that if this is the way someone of enough prominence to recently be awarded the Golden Arrowhead from the Guyana and the MBE from the UK government is treated – then what hope is there for the man in the street to get justice for their cause.

A reward of One Million dollars is being offered for information that leads to the arrest of the sad and very disturbed young boy who is the shooter. Please call 22 74623, between the hours 8am to 6 pm. to call in complete confidence.


Dr. Brian O’Toole, AA, MBE
Director, Nations University

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