At the 2010 Cambridge Academy Alumni Association International (CAAAI) reunion celebration in Brooklyn NY, Dr. Frank Douglas was a recipient of the prestigious Robert A. Pinkerton’s award for Humanitarian Services. We all listened attentively to his acceptance speech as he told his story of how he mastered the German language. I was intrigued not by ‘how’, but more so by the tenacity of ‘why’. Dr. Douglas explained further that the feeling of imperiousness and arrogance that oftentimes accompany so-called superior languages, required the dismissal of the barrier that supported that form of disparity – he decided to learn and master the entire German language, and he did.
The Cambridge Academy Alumni Executive Board and Membership suffer no illusion when we unrepentantly assert the kinship we have with Dr. Douglas. This polyglot, has been our teacher and scholarly example in our formative High-School years; a Member of our association’s Advisory Board from its rejuvenation in 2008; our pious philanthropist in times of need; a recipient of our Robert A. Pinkerton award in 2010; our Biennial Reunion Master of Ceremonies in 2014; our vanguard for Christian humility and our emulation of success; and now the author of his memoirs entitled- ‘Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream’.
Guyanese-born Dr. Frank L. Douglas is most inspiring as he documents his autobiography with a unique blend of academic resilience, uncompromising truth, and boldness of his own sense of consciousness. This book captures a journey that includes self-examination and discovery of the origin of the author’s first and last names, which reveal a concomitant relationship between his names and the actual name of his manuscript. Further, Dr. Douglas with abundant clarity gives an account of many definitive events in his life that catapulted him from a profoundly reflective childhood of quiet strength to Board Member and Research and Development Leader of one of the top-three global Pharmaceutical companies in the world.
It is therefore without hesitation or reservation that the Executive Board of Cambridge Academy Alumni Association International, highly recommends and promotes the readership of Dr. Frank L. Douglas’ book to all audiences without boundaries. Be assured that his work transcends social, economic, and political matrices, and seeks only to share knowledge of a practitioner’s footprints toward excellence. To God be the Glory. A copy of Dr. Douglas’ book can be obtained directly from the publishers- Dorrance by phone (800-788-7654) and/or by email dorrordr@dorrancepublishing.com
Submitted by- Dr. Aubrey F. Bentham Director of Special Projects – CAAAI
More about Dr. Frank Douglas