It has been 30 years since the terrorist attack on the Cubana Airline flight 455 on October 06, 1976 killing all 73 of the passengers and crew.
Of the passengers there were 57 Cuban, 11 Guyanese and 5 North Koreans. The Cuban national youth fencing team were among the dead, as were a number of young Guyanese academic scholarship winners who were traveling to Cuba to pursue studies in medicine.
Cuban, Venezuelan and Trinidadian law enforcement authorities identified the perpetrators as Herman Ricardo Lozano and Freddy Lugo, and their handlers and controllers, Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch of the counter-revolutionary Cuban mafia organization, “CORU”.
Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles remain free men today in the United States of America.
Orlando Bosch was released (some reports says pardoned of all American Charges) by George H. W. Bush on July 18, 1990.
Luis Posada Carriles has confessed to several anti-Cuba crimes in public interviews and is currently seeking US Citizenship under a law applying to non-citizens who served honorably in the US military.
The names of the Guyanese murdered in this terrorist attack were:

Eric Norton – age 18 – student
Ann Nelson – age 18 – student
Seshnarine Kumar – age 18 – student
Jacqueline Williams – age 19 – student
Rawle Thomas – age 18 – student
Raymond Persaud – age 19 – student
Margaret Bradshaw – The wife of a Guyanese Diplomat
Gordon Sobha – Economist
Sabrina Harripaul – age 9 – related to Violet and Rita Thomas
Violet Thomas – related to Sabrina Harripaul and Rita Thomas
Rita Thomas – related to Sabrina Harripaul and Violet Thomas
Terrorism in the sky – 1976. Suspects still at large.