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President Ramotar should match his policies in Guyana with his advocacy abroad – APNU Press Release

We, of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), support the very enlightened arguments presented by President Donald Ramotar, on Tuesday 15th May 2012, to the General Council Meeting of the Organisation of American States (OAS) in Washington DC, that:

 “.the region [should] put poverty eradication at the top of its agenda…”
 “.democracy cannot be safeguarded without reducing poverty, neither can poverty be effectively combated without addressing inequality”
 “.job creation [should] be an essential aspect of whatever model of social and economic development is pursued.”
 “.For Guyana no priority is greater than to combat poverty, extreme poverty, inequality and social exclusion. This can be done through policies that promote economic growth, access to education, health care and housing in order to achieve sustainable development with social justice.”
 “.a critical component of these efforts are initiatives to promote social protection and economic development among vulnerable groups….”

It is unfortunate that the President, as demonstrated by the 2012 National Budget proposals of his PPP/C Government, has not seen it fit to pursue the policy approaches within Guyana which he has advocated at the OAS meeting.

The reality is that, under the Jagdeo PPP/C Administration, Guyana has earned the reputation of being among the most corrupt countries in this hemisphere, coupled with widespread discrimination, nepotism, cronyism and high levels of unemployment and emigration, particularly among our young people.

However, let us examine a sample of the 2012 record of the Ramotar PPP/C Administration:

•2% Reduction of the VAT from 16%
The Opposition proposed that the oppressive 16% VAT should be reduced by 2% to give relief from the impact of the high cost-of-living which has intensified the ravages of poverty visited on large segments of the Guyanese population.

The Opposition pointed out that, since the VAT is a regressive tax, its impact is greatest on the poor. Therefore, the 2% reduction would be a beneficial poverty relief measure.

The Government countered this with the strange argument, advocated by the Minister of Finance, that the poor will benefit very little from the reduction of the VAT rate.

•Double the Old Age Pension to $15,000/month.
The Opposition pointed out that Pensioners are among the most vulnerable group in Guyana.

The Government, after strong representation by the Opposition, reluctantly agreed to increase the Old Age Pension to $10,000/month.

•Increase Public Assistance to $7,000/month.
The Opposition pointed out that this is a vital safety-net for large segments of the population but the Government remained unmoved.

•The drastic reduction, by $210.4Mn, of the 2012 Budget allocation for Social Services within the Ministry of Labour, Human Services & Social Security.
Given the large and growing army of Guyanese existing in conditions of dire poverty, it is a matter for deep concern that the 2012 Budget allocation for Social Services has been reduced by $210.4Mn, particularly since this is the prime Ministry responsible for administering the vital social safety-nets, including the Old Age Pension and Public Assistance.

•Increase Public Sector pay by 10% across-the-board while re-establishing effective Collective Bargaining.
Public Service pay has been woefully depressed by the Government, through the arbitrary annual imposition of increases below the cost-of-living, while subverting the Collective Bargaining process for Public Servants.

The Government has ignored this call.

•Restore the subvention agreed by the National Assembly to the Critchlow Labour College.
As part of its vendetta against the GTUC, the Government continues to deny this Trade Union educational institution the subvention which was agreed by the National Assembly.

•Freeze the proposed electricity tariff increase to the depressed Region 10 communities while introducing measures to create economic growth, employment and incomes.
The Government remains adamant that their proposed electricity tariff increases will be immediately implemented, even though it is evident that the depressed conditions, in this Region, have driven a large segment of the population into destitution.

•Reduce the Berbice River Bridge toll from $2,000 to $1,000.
The high toll has created hardships, particularly for families with school age children needing to cross the bridge daily. In addition, it is inhibiting the movement of produce from Berbice to markets in Georgetown.

•Stop the abuse of the mechanism of contract employees to undermine the Public Service Union and to by-pass the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission.
The Government continues to use every possible device to by-pass the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission and to weaken the bargaining strength of the Public Service Union.

•Implement the recommendations for the reform and modernisation of the Public Service.
The Government continues to ignore the long outstanding recommendations, contained in the several studies undertaken, for the reform and modernisation of the Public Service.

•Pay over the substantial financial assets, belonging to the people of Guyana, which are being misused by NICIL, into the Consolidated Fund to ensure National Assembly oversight.
The Government, as the sole shareholder, while avoiding oversight by the National Assembly, is misusing the substantial public assets held by NICIL as “slush funds”, through the convoluted self-serving argument that this is a “private company”.

•Immediately implement the constitutionally mandated Public Procurement Commission to stem the widespread corruption in the issuing of construction and other publicly funded contracts.
There is the clear indication that the Government intends to continue using every device to stymie the establishment of an independent and autonomous oversight Public Procurement Commission.

•Increase the subvention for the University of Guyana.
The Government continues to manipulate and undermine the autonomy of the nation’s highest institution of learning, the University of Guyana, by devices such as ensuring that it remains cash-strapped and its physical plant and equipment remain in a state of decrepitude.

•Stop treating constitutional offices – such as the Parliament Office, GECOM and the Service Commissions, etc – as Budget Agencies under the Office of the President and, thereby, undermining their independence and autonomy. These entities should receive their subvention directly from the Consolidated Fund.

•Stop the misuse of the publicly funded GINA and NCN as propaganda mouthpieces of the PPP Administration.
Since the passage of the amended 2012 Budget, the Ramotar PPP/C Administration has mounted an intense propaganda assault, through the continued misuse and abuse of GINA and NCN, against the Opposition because they insist that these two entities should be managed in a non-partisan and transparent manner in the service of the nation.

President Donald Ramotar must ensure that his words, uttered to impress the international community, mirror his deeds here in Guyana.

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